You can try to come to Kampung Djamoe Organik (KaDO) Martha Tilaar which is located on Jalan Raya Cibarusah Pintu II EJIP South Cikarang industrial area, West Java.

In this place, besides being able to take a vacation, you can also broaden your knowledge about medicinal plants, aromatics and cosmetics (TOKA) and the distance from our hotel is only 15 minutes.
As a visitor, KaDO certainly needs and wants a comfortable and beautiful place of course, as a fulfilment of the desires of visitors we have provided a variety of facilities including: 
The reception and display simplicia booths located at the front as a welcome to the visitors to be able to know more deeply about the culture and traditions of the Indonesian people in the field of herbal medicine and herbal products which are very beneficial for health and beauty care. A vast garden collection of medicinal, cosmetic and aromatic (OKA) plants (around 3ha) with a collection of around 600 species of plants native to Indonesia. 
Post-harvest area, which is a place where visitors can see firsthand how the process of plant material must be handled after being harvested from the garden. In this area you can see the process of sorting, washing plant material, draining / drying, packing and storage. Through this post-harvest process, we can provide quality and standardized plant raw materials.
Wooden houses on stilts in the traditional style of Menado whose lower part is designed as Kedai Sehat which offers a variety of healthy snacks from the archipelago, snacks and drinks with an open view towards the garden and rice fields. For the upper part there are 3 rooms and a spacious living room can be used as a small meeting place (small meeting) 10-15 people or meet work relations. In the future, it will be equipped with dry spas, light massages / reflexes and beauty and health product outlets

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